Here's a short script I knocked up after being inspired by someone else,
you know who you are ;-)
If any of you out there had Directory Opus V4, then you'd know you were
able to display a 'tree' of all the directories for a particular drive. You
could click on one to have that directory displayed.
While not as aesthetically pleasing as the version Jon incorporated into
DO4, this version does the same basic thing, that is, it displays a tree of
directories for a particular device and allows you to go to one by double
clicking on it.
2$VER: DirTree.dopus5 0.2 (7.10.98)
4Call as: ARexx DOpus5:ARexx/DirTree.dopus5 [REGEN] <Device>
6 Flags Run Async
8 where: REGEN = causes a new directory tree file to be created.
9 Device = the device, eg. HD0:, SD0:, DF0:, etc
11Example: DirTree.dopus5 HD0:
14options results
15parse arg regen device
16if device = '' then device = regen
17regen = regen ~= device
19address 'DOPUS.1'
20if ~show('l','rexxsupport.library') then
21 call addlib('rexxsupport.library',0,-30)
23device = strip(strip(device,,'"'))
24oldcd = pragma('d',device)
25device = pragma('d',oldcd)
26if right(device,1) ~= ':' then do
27 dopus request '"Specify DEVICE only, eg. ''HD0:''" OK'
28 exit
29 end
30tfile = left(device,pos(':',device))||'.dirtree'
31if regen then call delete(tfile)
33if ~exists(tfile) then do
34 address command 'List 'device' DIRS ALL LFORMAT "%P%N" >T:dirtree.temp'
35 address command 'Sort T:dirtree.temp 'tfile
36 'command protect 'tfile' set H'
37 call delete('T:dirtree.temp')
38 end
40if ~open('dirtree',tfile,'r') then do
41 dopus request '"ERROR: Unable to open ''tree'' file." OK'
42 exit
43 end
44else do
45 totlines = 0
46 do while ~eof('dirtree')
47 call readln('dirtree')
48 totlines = totlines + 1
49 end
50 call seek('dirtree',0,'b')
51 nlength = length(totlines)
52 end
54lister new invisible mode name
55handle = result
56lister set handle field off
57lister set handle toolbar
58lister set handle busy on
59info.NAME = copies('0',nlength)
60info.DISPLAY = device
61lister addstem handle info.
62lister refresh handle full
63lister set handle value info.NAME device
64lister set handle visible on
66linenum = 1
67do while ~eof('dirtree')
68 dirline = readln('dirtree')
69 path = dirline
70 if pos(':',dirline) ~= 0 then parse var dirline dev ':' dirline
71 if dirline ~= '' then do
72 linenum = linenum + 1
73 if pos('/',dirline) ~= 0 then do
74 howmany = 0
75 do while pos('/',dirline) ~= 0
76 parse var dirline fore'/'dirline
77 howmany = howmany + 1
78 end
79 dirline = copies(' ',3 * howmany)||dirline
80 end
81 dirline = ' '||dirline
82 do i = 1 to length(dirline) by 3
83 if substr(dirline,i + 3,1) ~= ' ' | substr(dirline,i + 4,1) ~= ' ' then do
84 dirline = overlay('+--',dirline,i)
85 leave
86 end
87 end
88 info.NAME = right(linenum,nlength,'0')
89 info.DISPLAY = dirline
90 lister addstem handle info.
91 lister refresh handle
92 lister set handle value info.NAME path
93 end
95call close('dirtree')
96lister set handle busy off
98call openport('DirTree-handler')
99lister set handle handler 'DirTree-handler'
101do until event = 'inactive'
102 if waitpkt('DirTree-handler') then do
103 packet = getpkt('DirTree-handler')
104 if packet ~= '00000000'x then do
105 event = getarg(packet,0)
106 name = getarg(packet,2)
107 if event = 'doubleclick' then do
108 lister query handle value name
109 path = result
110 lister set handle handler
111 lister set handle toolbar toolbar
112 lister wait handle quick
113 lister read handle path force
114 end
115 call reply(packet,0)
116 end
119call closeport('DirTree-handler')
When run for the first time on a device, there will be a delay while every
directory is listed and then sorted. This file is then save to the root of
the device for quick access next time, it will be named as
'.dirtree', and will have the 'h' protection bit set so as to not
be displayed if you have the 'Hidden' option set for your listers.
Some highlights of the script are:
Lines: 54 - 64 We open a new lister initially invisible while we set up
it's toolbar and field titles to off. We set it's state
to busy, add the first entry (the device), then refresh it
and make it visible.
66 - 87 These lines just read the file a line at a time and format
them ready for the lister.
88 - 92 We set the compound variable info.NAME to equal the line
number in the file, (so each entry is individual), set the
reformatted text to the compound variable info.DISPLAY and
add them to the lister display using the lister addstem
command. Because we have specified a DISPLAY field this
will be what is displayed in the lister. Then we associate
the NAME field with a value, in this case the path of the
directory using the lister set value command.
101 - 117 This is our custom handler routine which just waits for a
doubleclick event to happen. When it does, we query the
value of the name/value pair we made previously, this gives
us back the path for that entry. Set the handler to null,
this causes the handler for this lister to become inactive
and thus terminate. Set the toolbar to the default toolbar,
usually called 'toolbar' in the DOpus5:Buttons directory.
Wait until the lister is idle, and then force the lister to
read in the requested path.
All very simple :)
Clicking this button will copy it to your DOpus5:ARexx/ directory.